How to Rescue All Lost Souls In Write A Letter (2025)

Write A Letter Rescue Lost Souls Guide

Write A Letter is a popular Roblox experience where players role-play with other players and send messages by writing notes that are visible for other players to read. 

However, the developers of Write A Latter have released a new Halloween Update and introduced a new quest line. 

To complete the quest line, players need to rescue all Lost Souls available in the game. 

Since this game has a lot of Lost Souls, many players don’t know how to rescue them. 

If you are one of those players and looking for a guide then look no further as we got you covered.

Without any further ado, let’s get started: 

Rescuing All Lost Souls In Write A Letter 

As I mentioned above, the developers of Write A Letter released a new Halloween update where players need to rescue lost souls to complete the quest line. 

Once they complete the quest line, they will get in-game rewards and exclusive accessories. 

Here is how you can rescue all Lost Souls in Write A Letter: 

Quest 1: Meet Talking Tree 

The first quest that you need to complete in Halloween Update in Write A Latter is finding and talking to Talking Tree. 

To find this tree, you need to go to the Basement. Once you go inside the basement area, you will find a huge tree with a mouth and eyes. 

Go closer to this tree and press F to talk. When you complete the conversation, the first quest will be completed. 

Write A Letter Rescue Lost Souls Guide

image source: YouTube

Quest 2: Rescue the Sad Spirit

The second quest is to rescue the Sad Spirit. 

To find this Spirit or Soul, you need to take a right turn from the Talking Tree. 

Go straight and you will see a Sad Spirit sitting on a Rock. Talk to him and he will disappear. 

Write A Letter Rescue Lost Souls Guide

image source: YouTube

When you do so, the second quest will be completed. 

Quest 3: The Long Forgotten Soul

To find The Long Forgotten Soul, you need to go to the way on the right side of the Talking Tree. 

Here, you will find a house. Go inside and you will see the four skeletons in the middle of the room. 

To find The Long Forgotten Soul, you need to position these skeletons in a correct pose to open the door. 

Write A Letter Rescue Lost Souls Guide

image source: YouTube

For the first Skeleton who is lying on the ground, you need to press F two times to position its hand towards the door. 

For the skeleton sitting on a chair looking upward, you need to press F two times to change its post. 

For the rest of the two skeletons, you need to press F one time so that they can point toward the door. 

Once you position all skeletons correctly, you will have the door opened. 

Behind this door, you will find the Long Forgotten Soul. Talk to him and complete the quest. 

Write A Letter Rescue Lost Souls Guide

image source: YouTube

Quest 4: Stony Tomb 

The next quest is a StonyTomb in which you need to find the lever and activate the mechanism to open the Tomb. 

Once you find the Long Forgotten Soul, a door will open next to this soul. 

Go inside and you will find the Lever. Once you find the lever, press F to grab it. 

Write A Letter Rescue Lost Souls Guide

image source: YouTube

Once you grab the lever, go out of the house and go in the right direction. 

Here, you will find a Grave Yard where you need to find the Tombstone and press F to push it open. 

Write A Letter Rescue Lost Souls Guide

image source: YouTube

This will open an entrance where you need to put the Lever and pull it to activate the mechanism and open the Tomb. 

Write A Letter Rescue Lost Souls Guide

image source: YouTube

Now, climb up and you will see the lost soul sitting inside the Tomb. Interact with him to complete the quest. 

Write A Letter Rescue Lost Souls Guide

image source: YouTube

Quest 5: Energizing Potion Recipe

To complete this quest, you need to find the White, Red, Brown, and Purple mushrooms and use them to make Energized Potion. 

You can find the White, Red, and Brown mushrooms all over the map so you need to explore different locations and collect them. 

To get the Purple mushroom you need to go inside the cave area next to the Grave Yard where you open the Tomb. 

Write A Letter Rescue Lost Souls Guide

image source: YouTube

Go inside and you will find the Purple mushroom. Once you get all of these mushrooms, go to the Witch Hut and put them inside the Cauldron. 

Write A Letter Rescue Lost Souls Guide

image source: YouTube

While putting the mushrooms inside the Cauldron to make the Energized Potion make sure it is in the following order: 

White + Red + Brown + Purple

Write A Letter Rescue Lost Souls Guide

image source: YouTube

After making the potion, speak to the Lost Witch standing next to the Cauldron to complete the quest. 

Write A Letter Rescue Lost Souls Guide

image source: YouTube

Quest 6: Reaching Highground

Once you get the Energizing Potion, go straight and take a right turn. 

After going in this direction you will see a Round Gate. Once you reach this location, drink the Energizing Potion. 

Write A Letter Rescue Lost Souls Guide

image source: YouTube

Now, climb up on the ladder and jump up on the rocks without stopping and reach the huge rock. 

On this rock, you will find a lost soul. Interact with him and complete the quest. 

Write A Letter Rescue Lost Souls Guide

image source: YouTube

Quest 7: Put it Back together 

Now the last quest is to find the missing pieces of the Lost Soul. 

To complete this quest you need to find the missing pieces of the Lost Soul scattered around this new area. 

You need to find all of these pieces, put them together, and complete the skeleton of the lost soul. 

You will find the Rib Cage behind the Talking Tree. 

Write A Letter Rescue Lost Souls Guide

image source: YouTube

One hand will be found behind the location where you use the Cauldron to make potion. 

Write A Letter Rescue Lost Souls Guide

image source: YouTube

One piece will be located inside the cave where you collect the Purple Mushroom. 

Write A Letter Rescue Lost Souls Guide

image source: YouTube

And the last piece will be found inside the Grave Yard where you open the Tomb. 

Write A Letter Rescue Lost Souls Guide

image source: YouTube

Once you find all of these pieces take them and put them inside the coffin. 

Write A Letter Rescue Lost Souls Guide

image source: YouTube

After that interact with the Lost Soul to complete the quest. 

That’s how you can rescue all Lost Souls in Write A Letter. 

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