Void Fishing Beginner Guide (2025)

Void Fishing is inspired by the popular Fishing Simulator game. 

In Void Fishing, players do fishing to catch different in-game items that are crucial to progress in the game. 

If you are new to the game, you must be wondering what to do and how to play this game. 

To help you out, we wrote a starter guide explaining how to play, progress through, and earn free rewards in Void Fishing.

Also Read > Void Fishing Golden Rod Guide

Without any further ado, let’s get started:

Void Fishing Overview 

Void Fishing is a Roblox experience where players do fishing in the hope of pulling out something valuable. 

In this game, items are collected by fishing and each item has a value that increases your net worth. 

The Void Fishing features hundreds of different items. Some of these items are rare others are common. 

Common items have lower value and the rare ones have more value. 

However, this game is more about managing your funds than fishing for items. 

Once you pull out items, they can be sold from your bag or at the moment you pull them.

Generally, players sell common items as they pull them and the amount will be directly added to your wallet.  

Also Read > How to Get Money Fast in Void Fishing

Later, you can use this money to purchase new Rods, Rod Update, Lure, and Buff that will increase your overall fishing experience. 

You can purchase the legendary items from the shop and they will help you increase your net worth faster. 

Featured Gameplay Elements

Fishing Items in the Void 

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As you can see, this game is about fishing items to earn money and use them to upgrade your gear.

To pull items from the void, you need to go to the edge of the island and click on the green Fish button on your screen. 

The items you pull are random and with the premium feature, you can pull out three items at a time. 

By fishing you can either get trash items with less value or something valuable that has a higher price. 

You can increase the chances of getting valuable items by boosting your Luck Stat, upgrading your rod, and buffs. 

Each item you pull from the void will be added to your inventory. Unfortunately, you have an inventory with space to store only 25 items. 

Because you mostly pull common items you need to continuously clear your inventory by selling the items you won’t want to keep. 

For better management of your in-game inventory, it is recommended to keep the items with higher value. 

You can also increase the space in your inventory by spending some amount of Robux. 


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Because this game is all about fishing the items from the void, this game has tons of different Rod options available to fish valuable items. 

These Rods have two stats Efficiency and Luck. Rod Efficiency dictates how fast you can cast a second line. 

The Luck of Rods indicates the percentage of getting valuable items from the void. 

You can update these stats of your rod from the Shop. Each update will increase stats by 10%. 

Also Read > Void Fishing Golden Rod Guide

You can spend money on your rod and make it better than the basic version. 

Once you fully update your rod, it will give you access to the rarest items in the game and it will boost your net worth. 

Apart from this, you can also craft a rod by pulling the required pieces. To craft the rod you need a total of five different pieces. 

Buffs and Lures 

Void Fishing Beginner Guide

You can also spend your money purchasing the Buffs and Lures. 

These items will increase the chances of pulling rare items from the void. 

Buffs will increase the overall Stats whereas Lures will increase the rare item pull rate. 

That’s it, these are a few things you need to know while start playing the Void Fishing game. 

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