Roblox Fisch has multiple rods and each rod has a different luck, control, resilience, and other stats.

The better or rare fishing rod you have the easier to catch a rare fish in Fisch. In our previous guides, we have already explained how to obtain the Magma Rod and The Fungal Rod in Roblox Ficsh.
If you have not obtained these fishing rods yet and wish to get them now, click on the link. In this post, we will explain how to get the Nocturnal Rod in Fisch.
To learn its obtainment process, keep on reading.
Without any further ado, let’s get started:
Obtaining Nocturnal Rod in Fisch
To get the Nocturnal Rod in Fisch Roblox, you need to head to the Vertigo area. For the unversed, Vertigo is hidden in a Whirlpool.
Before you get there, make sure to use Whirlpool with an air effect. For the unversed, Whirlpool spawns frequently at the coast of Roslit.
This is not the only place where you can find Whirlpool. It also spawns everywhere in the ocean.
Whenever the Whirlpool spawns, you will get a message, “A Strange Whirlpool has opened”.

Once you have successfully reached Vertigo, you must follow the right path to reach Synth, which sells the Nocturnal Rod for 11K.
Once you find the Synth, interact with him. When you do so, he will ask you to pay 11K. When you do so, he will give you the Nocturnal Rod in Fisch.
That’s everything you need to know about how to get Nocturnal Rod in Roblox Fisch.