How to Mark Text Or Image As Spoiler on Discord (2025)

If you are an avid Discord user, you must have seen some blurred texts and images on any channel named spoiler messages. 

These Spoiler images and messages are sent to hide sensitive content and leaks informing people if they don’t want it to be discovered right now.

If you too have any information or leak that you want to mark as a spoiler on Discord then look no further as we got you covered.

In this guide, we will show you how to mark any text or image as a Spoiler on Discord. 

Without any further ado, let’s get started: 

How to Mark Text As Spoiler on Discord

To mark any text message as a Spoiler on a Discord server, you need to follow these simple steps:

  • First, open Discord on your Desktop. 
  • Go to the Channel wherein you want to send the Spoiler message. 
  • Now, click on the text box and type two vertical lines as shown in the below image.
Mark Text Or Image As Spoiler on Discord
  •  After typing two Vertical lines, type the message that you want to be shown as a spoiler.
  • After typing that message, type two Vertical Lines again and hit the enter button.
Mark Text Or Image As Spoiler on Discord
  • When you do so, you will be shown a spoiler message as shown in the above image.
  • Notably, this message can only be read by clicking on it.
  • That’s it.

How to Mark Images as Spoilers on Discord

Similar to the text, you can also mark images as spoiler on Discord. 

If you want to mark an image as a Spoiler on Discord, use the following steps: 

  • First, go to the Discord channel where you want to post an image as a Spoiler.
  • After that, click on the + icon.
  • When you do so, a couple of options will appear.
Mark Text Or Image As Spoiler on Discord
  • Now, click on the ‘Upload a File’ option.
  • Now, select the image.
Mark Text Or Image As Spoiler on Discord
  • Now, click on the ‘Eye‘ icon.
  • After that, hit the Enter button.
  • When you do so, the image will be sent as a Spoiler image.
Mark Text Or Image As Spoiler on Discord
  • That’s it.

How to Mark Text or Image as Spoiler on Discord Mobile (Android, iOS)

If you are using Discord on a mobile device, you can mark Text or Image as Spoiler using the steps below. 

Mark Text as a Spoiler on Discord Mobile

To mark the text as a spoiler on Discord Mobile use the following steps.

  • To mark the text as Spoiler, tap on the Text Box
  • Now look for the “|” symbol on your mobile keyboard. 
  • Type the message between two “||”.
Mark Text Or Image As Spoiler on Discord

image by Beebom

  • Once you are done typing, select the Send button to send the spoiler message.  
  • Now, Discord will send the message in a black bar.
  • To see this message, the user needs to tap on it. 
  • That’s it. 

Mark Image as a Spoiler on Discord Mobile

To mark the images as a Spoiler on Discord Mobile use the following steps. 

  • On Discord, tap on the ‘+’ icon next to the Text Box and select Picture
  • Now, choose the image you want to send.
  • Once you pick the image, tap on it and it will open the menu. 
  • From the menu, check the box next to the “Mark as spoiler” option. 
Mark Text Or Image As Spoiler on Discord

image by Beebom

  • Now, send the image and it will appear blurry with a Spoiler mark in the chat. 
  • That’s it. 

This is how you can mark Text or Image as a Spoiler on Discord. 

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