How To Get Cid In Ijul Piece 2 (2025)

Want to get Cid spec in Ijul Piece 2? If yes then don’t look further because you have come to the right place.

Ijul Piece 2 is a newly launched Roblox game inspired by the popular anime and manga series One Piece. 

Being a One Piece game, it has a bunch of fruits, abilities, and specs that players can obtain and use against enemies.

In this guide, we will talk about a Spec named CID. Ever since this spec was added, a lot of players have been searching for ways to obtain it.

While you are here, you must be wondering how to obtain CID Spec in Ijul Piece 2. If that’s the case then keep on reading.

Without any further ado, let’s get started:

Obtaining CID Spec In Ijul Piece 2

To unlock Cid spec in Ijul Piece 2, follow these steps:

  • To obtain Cid, you need to go to Boss Island.
Ijul Piece 2 CID Guide
  • Once you get there, find the NPC named Boss Spawner.
Ijul Piece 2 CID Guide
  • Interact with him, you need to fight with the Cid to get the material to obtain the spec.
  • You can spawn Cid with Gems or Cid egg.
  • When you defeat the boss and gather the materials, go to the cave in front of Windmill island.
Ijul Piece 2 CID Guide
  • Once you get there, jump into the water and find a wall that has a different color as shown in the below image.
Ijul Piece 2 CID Guide
  • You need to go through the wall where there is a hidden door.
Ijul Piece 2 CID Guide
  • You will find the Cid Spec inside the cave.
  • To obtain it, you need x2 Atomic Bombs, x1 Cid Cloak, and 999 gems.
  • Once you have the following requirements, you can obtain the Cid spec.
  • That’s it.

That’s how anyone can obtain CID in Roblox Ijul Piece 2.

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