Do you want to get Partial Resurrection Fast Progression in Paradox? If your answer is YES, you are in the right place.
Paradox is a newly released Roblox game inspired by a very popular anime and manga Bleach.
This game features various Fast Progressions that players can get. Each progression provides unique move sets and abilities.
One of these Fast Progression is Partial Resurrection Fast Progression.
In this guide, we will show you how to get Partial Resurrection Fast Progression in Paradox.
Without any further ado, let’s get started:
Obtaining Partial Resurrection Fast Progression In Paradox
In Roblox Paradox, to get the Partial Resurrection Fast Progression, you need to complete 4 steps.
- Reach 200 Potential.
- Find and Kill your Hollow Spirit.
- Complete 10 Missions.
- Sove the Lever Puzzle.
Here is how you can complete all of these steps to get Partial Resurrection Fast Progression in Paradox.
Step 1: Reach 200 Potential
The first step to get the Partial Resurrection Fast Progression in the game is reaching the 200 Potential.
One of the fastest ways to achieve 200 Potential is by completing the missions.
To start the missions, you need to find the NPC called Division Trainer.
Once you find the NPC, interact with him and he will show you the list of missions that you can complete.
The easiest way to get Potential in the game is by completing the “Wave Defence” and “Transport the Buver” missions.
image source: YouTube
These are two easy missions that you can complete to each the 200 Potential.
Step 2: Find And Kill Your Hollow Spirit
Once you reach the 200 Potential the next step is to find and kill your Hollow Spirit.
Before that, you need to interact with the NPC called DevAidxen.
image source: YouTube
You can find this NPC behind the Arrancar Hub NPC. Once you are the NPC, interact with him and he will ask you to find and kill your Hollow Spirit.
There are so many Hollows available in the game and the Hollow you are looking for is not different than normal hollows.
So, you need to find and start killing the Hollows in the game.
You might be wondering how you can find Your Hollow Spirit. If you start killing the hollows in the game, you will get a text on your screen from your Hollow Spirit.
Once you get the text like “Do Not Stop Now…”, “You Are Getting Closer To Me…”, and something like that.
image source: YouTube
If you get texts like this it means you are in the right place and you need to keep killing all the Hollows that you find on the way.
Once you find your Hollow Spirit you will get to know because this Hollow will be stronger than the others and take more time to die.
image source: YouTube
After killing your Hollow Spirit, go back to DevAidxen and interact with him again.
Step 3: Complete 10 Missions
After interacting with DevAidxen after killing your Hollow Spirit, he will give you a task to complete the 10 Missions.
These missions required you to kill various enemies all around the map.
We are not going into the details because the game itself will explain everything you need to complete these 10 Missions.
Step 4: Solve Lever Puzzle
Once you complete all 10 missions, go back to DevAidxen and interact with him one more time.
This time he will ask you to solve the Lever Puzzle.
To start this combination puzzle you need to Meditate until you will be teleported into the Level Puzzle.
After meditating for a few seconds you will be teleported to the location where you can see 5 levers and a huge door behind them.
image source: YouTube
To get the Partial Resurrection Fast Progression you need to solve the Lever Puzzle and open this huge door.
This puzzle is very hard and requires a lot of petitions. To solve it, you need to pull the levers one by one to decode the combination.
To open the door you need to pull a total of 3 correct levers and leave the rest of 2 levers as it is.
You need to try too many combinations by pulling different levers at a time.
If you complete the Lever Puzzle it will open the Door. Go inside where you will see a gloving object in the middle named Inner Self.
image source: YouTube
Go closer to it and press E to interact. Once you interact with it you will be teleported back and get the Partial Resurrection Fast Progression.
The Partial Resurrection you get is completely random and depends on your luck.
If you are lucky enough you will get a strong resurrection otherwise don’t expect much.
That’s it, this is how you can get Partial Resurrection Fast Progression in Paradox.