How To Get Luffy, Shanks & Gear 5 in AUT (2025)

Do you want to get Luffy, Shanks, and Gear 5 in A Universal Time (AUT)? If YES then you have come to the right place.

A Universal Time (AUT) is a popular Roblox game inspired by various anime and manga series, with a strong focus on JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. 

The game features an expansive open-world environment where players can obtain and use different Stands, which are powerful abilities that offer unique combat skills and powers.

Luffy, Shanks, and Gear 5 are powerful characters and forms inspired by the popular anime and manga series One Piece.

These characters and forms add an exciting element to AUT, allowing players to experience the power and abilities of their favorite One Piece characters.

In this guide, we will walk you through the process of obtaining Luffy, Shanks, and Gear 5 in AUT.

Without any further ado, let’s get started.

Obtaining Luffy, Shanks, & Gear 5 in AUT

To obtain Luffy, Shanks, and Gear 5 in A Universal Time (AUT), follow these steps:


There are three ways you can try to obtain the Luffy in AUT.

  • Shank NPC Quests:

The First way is to talk to the Shank NPC in the game and take the quest from him.

AUT Shanks Luffy and Gear 5

He will give you the quests to beat up 20 Pirates and then kill the buggy.


  • Another way to obtain the Luffy is to find the Fruits from the ground.
AUT Shanks Luffy and Gear 5
  • Try to find the Gomu Fruits, which can be spawned around the map.

Third Way:

  • Thirdly you can also get Fruits as a drop from Whitebeards.
AUT Shanks Luffy and Gear 5
  • Once you get the Gomu Fruit, talk to Luffy and he will give you Gear 2 and Gear 3.

Gear 5:

  • To get Gear 5 in the game, you need 10 ascensions on Gumu Luffy.
AUT Shanks Luffy and Gear 5
  • Once you have it, talk to the NPC and take the quests then you should get Gear 5.


  • To get the Shanks, you need to find the NPC name Conq Shanks.
  • Once you find him, interact with him.
AUT Shanks Luffy and Gear 5
  • He will give you the same quests as Luffy, which is to beat up 20 Pirates.
  • For this quest, you need to use the Sword Ability.
AUT Shanks Luffy and Gear 5
  • After that, you need to kill the Shanks.
  • You need to do more of Conq Shanks NPC quests to get the Shanks.

These steps will help you unlock Luffy, Shanks, and Gear 5 in AUT.

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