How to Get All Titles In Roblox Fisch (2025)

Titles in Roblox Fisch

Do you to get all Titles in Roblox Fisch? If your answer is YES then you are in the right place. 

Roblox Fisch is a popular RPG game where players explore different islands, complete quests, obtain Fishing Rods, catch fish, and earn money.  

Like other Roblox games, Fisch has multiple titles that can be obtained by completing quests, achievement milestones, and more.

Also Read > Roblox Fisch Fishing Rod Tier List

Whenever you get a new title, it will be added next to the player’s username. Since titles are the best way to show off achievements, players wish to get every title available in Roblox Fisch.

If you too want to get all titles in Roblox Fisch, look no further as we got you covered.  

Without any further ado, let’s get started: 

Obtaining All Titles In Roblox Fisch

Here is a list of all titles available in Roblox Fisch and how to get them. 

The Foolish

The first title you will obtain in Roblox Fisch is “The Foolish”. Getting this title is very easy, all you need to do is die 5 times

The Pupil 

The next title that you can get in Roblox Fisch is “The Pupil”. To get this title, you need to buy a Lantern from the NPC called Lantern Keeper

The Hoarder 

The third title that can be obtained in Roblox Fisch is “The Hoarder”. To get this title, you need to sell 20 items or more at once. 

Also Read > How to Get All Bait in Fisch Roblox

The Holy

To get The Holy title in Roblox Fisch, you need to obtain the rarest lantern (Fairy) from the Lantern Keeper. 

The chances of getting the rarest lantern are very low, so you need to keep trying until you get the one.

The Hunter 

The next title available in the game is “The Hunter”. You will get this title once you catch the Legendary Fish

C$ Collector 

You will get this title in Roblox Fisch after collecting 15000 C$ in your account. 

C$ Loaded 

Similar to the C$ Collector, to get the C$ Loaded title in the game, you need to have 10000 C$ in your account. 

The Clever 

To get the Clever title in Fisch, you need to complete the Tutorial. 

The Roblox Fisch tutorial is very lengthy so prepare to spend a lot of time completing the tutorial. 

The Drowned

The next title available in the Roblox Fisch is “The Drowned”. To get this title, you need to enter the Whirlpool or Vertigo.  


To get the Supporter title in the game, you need to buy a Supporter Gamepass.

Initial Supporter

To get the Initial Supporter title in Fisch, you need to buy a Supporter Gamepass when the game first comes out. 

Bobber Enthusiast

Similar to the previous two titles, to get the Bobber Enthusiast title you need to buy a Bobber Gamepass

Lucky Roller 

To get this title in Fisch, you need to appraise your fish and gain weight on it. 

Unlucky Better 

To get the Unluck Better title, you need to appraise your fish and lose weight on it. 

True Hakari 

To get the True Hakari title in Roblox Fisch, you need to get shiny, sparkling, or mutilation on your fish from an appraiser. 


You will get the Enchanted title for enchanting your fishing rod for the first time.

Shark Slayer 

To get the Shark Slayer title, you need to catch a Shark

Orcs Best Friend 

To get the “Orcs’ Best Friend” title in Roblox Fisch, you need to complete the Orc’s quest at Roslit Bay. 


To get the Vigilante title in the game, you need to complete the Mushroom NPC’s quest at Mushgrove Swamp. 

Albino Vendor 

To get the Albino Vendor title, you need to catch and sell Albino Fish to the girl at Roslit Bay. 

Novice Fisher 

You will get the Novice Fisher upon catching 3 fish

Skilled Fisher 

You will get the Skilled Fisher title after catching 25 fish

Tested Trawler 

To get the Tester Tawler title, you need to catch 50 fish

Master Fisher 

To get the Master Fisher title, you need to catch 60 fish

Prophet Angler 

To get the Prophit Angler title, you need to catch 400 fish

Legendary Fisher 

To get this title in Roblox Fisch, you need to catch 600 fish

Mythical Fisher 

To get the Mythical Fisher title, you need to catch 1500 fish

Eternal Fisher 

To obtain the Eternal Fisher title, you need to become a Goddess of the Seas

Master Fisher 

To get the Master Fisher title, you need to catch 5000 fish

Fish Overlord

To get the Fish Overlord title, you need to catch 10000 fish


To get the Rookie title in the game, you need to reach Level 2

Famous Voyager 

You will get the Famous Voyager title upon reaching Level 40

Mythical Seeker 

You will get the Mythical Seeker title upon reaching Level 80

Sea Sovereign 

To get this title in Roblox Fisch, you need to reach Level 90

Eternal Voyager 

To get the Ethical Voyager title, you need to reach Level 100


This title is only for the developers of Roblox Fisch. 

Content Creator 

This title will be given to YouTubers by the admins of the game. 


To obtain this title, you need to be a Tester

That’s how you can obtain every title in Roblox Fisch.

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