How to Find All Circuit Locations In Toilet Tower Defense (2025)

All Circuit Locations In Toilet Tower Defense

Are you looking for all Circuit Locations in Toilet Tower Defense? If your answer is YES, you are in the right place. 

For the unversed, Toilet Tower Defense is one of the most popular Roblox Tower Defense games where players unlock and use various units to defend their tower from the waves of enemies. 

However, Toilet Tower Defense features various millions and events that players will complete to get exclusive rewards that will help them progress faster in the game. 

In the game, one mission asks you to find a total of 9 Circuits scattered all over the map. 

To complete this mission, you must explore various locations and find and collect all of these circuits. 

Because the Toilet Tower Defense game has a huge map players are struggling to find all of the circuits. 

If you are looking to all Circuit Locations in Toilet Tower Defense, look no further as we have you covered. 

In this guide, we will show you how to find all Circuit Locations in Toilet Tower Defense. 

So, without any further ado let’s get started: 

All Circuit Locations In Toilet Tower Defense

Below we have mentioned all nine locations where you can find circuits in the Toilet Tower Defense game.

Explore these locations and collect all nine circuits to complete the mission and obtain exclusive rewards. 

Location #1

All Circuit Locations In Toilet Tower Defense

image source: YouTube

The first location where you can find Circuits in the Toilet Tower Defense game is going to be a Training Plazza. 

So, head to the Training Plazza and start looking for the circuits. 

In this area, you can find a few circuits. The first circuit is located on the fountain on the left side of the Training Plazza. 

Go to this location and you will see a pillar design. You can find the first Circuit behind the left-hand side pillar. 

So, go behind this pillar and you will find the first circuit. 

Location #2

The Second Circuit is also located in the same location in the Training Plazza. 

To get the second Circuit you need to climb up on the pillar in the middle. 

After climbing a little bit you will see the second Circuit in the middle pillar. 

Location #3

All Circuit Locations In Toilet Tower Defense

image source: YouTube

The Third Circuit in the Training Plazza area is located on one of the gates. 

In this area, you can see four gates in all four directions. 

Behind one of these gates, you will find the Third Circuit. Once you find the circuit collect it and look for another one.

Location #4

All Circuit Locations In Toilet Tower Defense vvvvvvvvv

image source: YouTube

The Fourth Circuit is located at the Toilet Fortress in the Training Plazza location. 

Once you are at the Toilet Fortress location go behind it and you will find the next circuit at the corner. 

Location #5

All Circuit Locations In Toilet Tower Defense

image source: YouTube

The next Circuit is located at the Event Area in the Toilet Tower Defense game. 

To get the fifth Circuit, head to the Event Area and go to the Apocalypse City location. 

Once you are here, go behind the Ranked Mode leaderboard and you will find the Circuit. 

Location #6 

All Circuit Locations In Toilet Tower Defense

image source: YouTube

The next Circuit is also located at the Event Area in the game. 

To get the Sixth Circuit in the game you need to head to the Index Area

Once you are here, you can find the Circuit right behind the Boxes. 

So, jump up on these boxes and look behind and you will find the Circuit. 

Location #7

All Circuit Locations In Toilet Tower Defense

image source: YouTube

The rest of the Circuits will be located inside the new Tech City area. 

All Circuit Locations In Toilet Tower Defense

image source: YouTube

So, go there and start the Hard Mode. Once the match is started you can find the Seventh Circuit in the middle. 

All Circuit Locations In Toilet Tower Defense

image source: YouTube

Location #8

All Circuit Locations In Toilet Tower Defense

image source: YouTube

The eighth Circuit is located behind the enemy spawn location on the left side of this area. 

Go to this location and collect the Circuit. 

Location #9

All Circuit Locations In Toilet Tower Defense

image source: YouTube

The ninth and last Circuit is located right next to the Portal

In this area, you can find a huge blue portal on the right. 

Go to this location and you will find the last circuit. Collect it and the mission will be completed. 

That’s it, these are nine locations where you can find Circuits in the Toilet Tower Defense game. 

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