How To Get The NEW FREE 1X1X1X1 HAT in Roblox (2024)

Roblox is an online platform that allows users to create, share, and play games created by other users. 

The 1x1x1x1 Hat also known as Glitch Hacker Laurel is a special hat in Roblox that players can earn by participating in “The Games” event, which features a boss battle against the infamous 1x1x1x1.

This hat has become a popular item among players since its release on July 31, 2024.

In this guide, we will teach you how to obtain the 1x1x1x1 Hat in Roblox. To learn the entire process, keep on reading.

Without any further ado, let’s get started.

Obtaining FREE 1X1X1X1 HAT in Roblox (2024)

To get the Glitch Hacker Laurel (1x1x1x1) in Roblox, follow the steps written below:

Join “The Games” Event:

 1X1X1X1 HAT

Participate in the event where the 1x1x1x1 boss is featured. 

Defeat the 1x1x1x1 Boss:

 1X1X1X1 HAT

Once you get there, you need to engage in a boss battle and successfully defeat 1x1x1x1. 

To damage the boss, touch the White Orbs to attack and damage the boss.

 1X1X1X1 HAT

This might require teamwork, strategy, and possibly overcoming multiple challenges.

Claim Your Reward:

 1X1X1X1 HAT

After defeating the boss, the Glitch Hacker Laurel will be available for you to claim in the event’s reward section. 

 1X1X1X1 HAT

Make sure to check the reward section after the battle to ensure you receive the hat.

By following these steps, you should be able to obtain the new 1X1X1X1 HAT in Roblox.

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